How can Tailor-made
Speech and Language Therapy help my child?
Speech sound difficulties:
Verbal Dyspraxia
Phonological Disorder
Speech delay
Social communication difficulties:
Autism/Autistic Spectrum Disorder
High Functioning Autism
Asperger Syndrome
Pragmatic Language Difficulties
Language difficulties:
Expressive or Receptive Language Disorder
Developmental Language Disorder
Language delay
Literacy difficulties
Learning difficulties

Speech and language therapy can help:
​children who find it difficult to make specific speech sounds, for example, saying 'tat' instead of 'cat' or 'bish' instead of 'fish'
children who find it difficult to put words together in the right order to make sentences
children who find it difficult to have conversations with others and may become frustrated
children who find it difficult to play with others, for example, sharing, taking turns and thinking about how others feel
children who find it difficult to sequence their thoughts and ideas, both in talking and in writing
children who find it difficult to understand language and may get confused easily when spoken to
children who find it difficult and frustrating to think of words when they want to use them, and may use similar words like 'apple' instead of 'orange'
children and young people who have lots of ideas but have difficulty expressing them in words or writing them down in schoolwork or exams
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